cock fight

When two men(cocks) vie for the same woman. One man(cock) is typically the challenger cock and is out to take the other cocks wife or companion away from him because he wants to fuck her. Akin to two cocks in a cock fight(see other definitions for cock fight). Often starts in a bar as a mental fight then escalates to a physical fight. This situation is generally a police magnet with one or both cocks arrested. The woman may de-escalate the cockfight if she so chooses by staying with her husband(companion). Although the woman may get an ego boost and let it continue. Potentially, the woman they are vying for may get fucked by the winner or she may feel sorry for the loser and fuck him. May even be performed in front of others to the losing cocks humiliation.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to cock fight. Some of the top words include: cockblock, gash masher, Cock Knocker, knott smoker, meat-whistle, and 25 more.